What do y'all think is moore affective? Fear or Love...
Love is way moore affective than fear in my opinion because eventually people will face their fears. Love is long lasting and genuine! Fear isn't safe, Love is... Derrick says fear is moore affective, because when people fear you they won't try you because they there are consequences. I feel they wouldn't try you with love either because no one wants to lose real genuine love and support... Lets talk about in the SAFE HAVEN!

Love is because you can reach more people with love everybody ain’t scared and won’t be and plus fear is temporary
Machiavelli taught it’s better to be feared than loved in all stages and I agree because no matter how much someone loves you they’re always going to love themselves more self preservation is the greatest love and if put under any pressure or situation they’ll choose their own well being but if someone fears you they fear any circumstance that doesn’t benefit you not only for themselves but for the safety of their family, fortune, or finances. Fear is control and power is absolute not just fear of physical nature but fear is paralyzing it’s mind altering it damages lives People fear the unknown of life so they follow a religion to no end
In my opinion, love is more effective. When trying to teach, you have to give from a place of love and passion. We, as spiritual beings, we’re created from love so it’ll be more fitting for us to process love than fear. However, when trying to enforce something, fear is more effective. I believe that’s because we’re put into survival mode (which stems from a place of selfLOVE) and makes us instill fear into oops as a means of protection. I feel what Derrick is saying… But there’s a few ways to look at it.
Love is stronger than fear . I feel like every emotion stems from either love or fear and most things you fear end up being the result of sum type of lack of love . If that makes sense . Love will always win over fear . If somebody is scared love will always calm them and usually give them the strength to overcome that fear.
I feel that love is more affective . Yes fear puts people in the mindset of not to mess with but it also cause ppl to ill intentions. Fear to me is a low vibrational energy to me that holds all of us back if we don’t overcome. Love is eternal forever lasting . Love is more affective because love is the highest vibration of all and love heals all things to me.
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